Coaching solution for human resources

Managing coaching programs with a platform helps your HR department. Save time and access valuable insights 24/7.

Human resources coaching platform objectives

A coaching tool allows you to scale, organize and manage your coaching program. In addition to being able to track KPIs and metrics to share results across your organization.


It is complex to scale a coaching program. It makes your life easier, especially for 10 or more people.


The organization of the program in one place, with automatic matching between coach and coaches, as well as selection of coaches according to individual preferences.


Access dashboards with insights and metrics to understand the qualitative and quantitative development of the program.

How does Mindbly's platform help your HR team ?

Dealing with follow-up coaching programs?

We know it’s no easy task, especially when scaling it.

Save time


Forget about manual processes: Coach selection, launch, matching algorithm and scheduling in a single platform.

Discover valuable insights


Instantly discover your team’s satisfaction levels, engagement, areas for improvement and skills worked on.

Program progress


Forget excel: Insights and KPIs in the palm of your hand 24/7.

Do you want to scale your coaching program?

Mindbly unites technology, measurement and coaching to create inspiring and effective leaders.

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