The 12 Essential Soft Skills for Leadership


Do you know which 12 soft skills are essential for leadership capable of facing change?

Leaders must be able to confront constant change, whether it is driven by internal company reasons or industry situations. They need to know how to guide their teams through changing circumstances.

We consulted our board of professional coaches to determine which soft skills are necessary and why. Here are the best responses:

Essential Soft Skills for Any Leader Today

These are the 12 soft skills included in our Mindbly 360 Assessment. This way, managers who enter our coaching program can understand which skills they need to improve and where there is a significant difference between how they perceive themselves and how others perceive them.

1. Adaptability

You adapt easily and quickly to changing situations. You are flexible and try to find the best path, adjusting your behavior to achieve objectives when new circumstances arise.

2. Problem-Solving

You have the ability to define and determine a problem or conflict, identify, prioritize, and select alternatives to implement a solution. In the process, you try to understand common interests and then evaluate the outcome to see if it was positive and if it can be improved.

3. Coaching

You accompany, instruct, and support others through your empathetic attitude, active listening, and providing feedback. You reinforce others to take individual responsibility, develop, and achieve goals using their own resources, motivation, and creativity.

4. Active Communication

You communicate assertively, honestly, and clearly. You listen attentively first, offer your response, and check that your interlocutor has understood what you meant to say. You use feedback as an inherent part of your conversations.

5. Confidence

You communicate clearly, directly, and confidently, whether to criticize or praise. You speak face-to-face with your colleagues, capable of defending your own ideas, accepting your limitations, and seeking help when necessary. You strive to keep your promises and do your work as agreed.

6. Motivation

You possess a source of energy that allows you to complete the tasks you set out to do. You promote the participation of others and the assignment of responsibilities, sparking enthusiasm and desire among those around you.

7. Teamwork

You know how to delegate, adapt to other people, listen, and communicate clearly and concisely. You accept criticism and assume responsibilities, valuing others when appropriate and seeking solutions for the common benefit focused on objectives. You use tools that help organize teamwork.

8. Stress Management

You can react calmly in tense moments, possibly because you exercise regularly, meditate, and sleep well. You focus on finding solutions, without taking things personally, with an optimistic attitude. You use constructive language instead of victimizing or catastrophic language.

9. Time Management

You are clear about priorities and plan ahead. You can delegate and be realistic with deadlines. You seek to automate processes and know how to say no to certain tasks. You work intensively to avoid procrastination and achieve objectives by the established date.

10. Gratitude

You show appreciation and value for the actions of your colleagues. You naturally provide recognition to others. You can identify and highlight the talents and strengths of each team member.

11. Growth Mindset

You accept and welcome challenges, strive, and create habits focused on success. You have a desire to surpass yourself, with persistence and effort, eager to learn, and step out of your comfort zone without a problem.

12. Resilience

You can face adverse situations, adapt to change, and give space to your emotions and those of your colleagues, with optimism, few complaints, and a sense of humor. Generally, you see problems as challenges rather than obstacles.

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